Adrian Ball's Page

Adrian Ball's Page

Hello and welcome to my personal site. I have generated this website so that I have a place to present myself along with interesting ideas and concepts. My hopes is that this site can be used as a platform to present ideas, as a motivational basis to continually develop presentation skills with a growing portfolio, and to show more than just a curriculum vitae.

Please feel free to navigate the site, read any content of interest to yourself, and to reach out through Disqus or email -

Latest Posts

Problem 199

Problem 199 is focused on packing in as many circles as possible into a larger circle and determining the remaining area that has not been filled in. After t...

Problem 58

In this problem, we are looking at the diagonal values of a counter-clockwise spiral (example shown below), and counting how many of them are prime. In the s...

Kaggle: Salt Segmentation

This article documents my thoughts and processes on my first Kaggle competition. The objective of this competition was to identify salt from sub-surface geol...

Problem 18 & 67

As Problem 18 and Problem 67 are the same (Problem 67 is a larger version of Problem 18), I will cover the solution to both in this post. Both of these probl...

Keras and the MNIST Dataset

In this article, I repeat my previous attempt at training a model to recognise the MNIST hadn-written digits. The difference between these two attempts is th...

Tensorflow and the MNIST Dataset

Neural networks have gained a lot of traction in the past years, yet have remained a machine learning technique that I have not had a chance to learn and pla...